Rs Clark And Associates

Removing RS Clark And Associates From Credit Report

RS Clark & Associates (RSC) is a Dallas-based third-party collection firm. The RSC has received many consumer complaints alleging breaches of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), such as inappropriate information disclosure and unlawful contact practices. Before replying to RSC’s overdue financial commitments, understand your rights.

The debt collection firm RS Clark and Associates, Inc. is situated in Dallas, Texas. It was founded in 2001 and is led by CEO Wesley Rowden, who employs roughly 27 people.

Who Is RS Clark And Associates?

Who Is Rs Clark And Associates?
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RS Clark and Associates is a Dallas-based debt collection and credit reporting firm. It was established in 1998, works with the three main credit agencies but is not certified by the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

The debt collector RSC is a collection account on your credit record. It may imply that they bought the account from the original lender. However, it usually implies they bought the debt for pennies on the dollar, or perhaps a tenth of the initial cost.

Who Does RS Clark And Associates Collect For?

Who Does Rs Clark And Associates Collect For?
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This collection agency collects for the original lender who fails to collect the debt from their borrowers. It usually implies the collection agency buys the debt for pennies on the dollar, or perhaps a tenth of the initial cost. The debt collectors may also be hired to collect on behalf of another corporation rather than owning the debt in other circumstances.

They may try to contact you by correspondence or phone calls( demanding payment). Worse, your credit record now shows a collections account. It lowers your credit score besides creating a barrier for other loan approval or other major financial transaction.

Does It Hurt My Credit Score?

Any negative mark that has passed its time limit can significantly influence your credit score. It’s the same with a collections account, or we can say that RS Clark And Associates can help you improve your credit score, but it can also damage it.

How To Remove RS Clark And Associates From Your Credit Report?

How To Remove Rs Clark And Associates From Your Credit Report?
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Still, they may offer to abolish the debt from your report if you pay the bill; this is known as” pay for delete If it appears on your credit record.” Suppose the original creditor, rather than the debt collector, is included on your credit record, and you pay the obligation off. In that case, both agencies should meetly expose this on your credit report. If any details are wrong, error or fraudulent and are not corrected in a reasonable length of time, it may be removed from your credit report. According to research conducted by the United States Public Interest Research Groups, 79 percent of credit reports include inaccuracies or severe errors.

Is RS Clark And Associates A Debt Collection Agency?

Yes, RS Clark And Associates is a debt collection agency. They acquire debt from various creditors who have given up trying to collect the debt on their own.

Should You Pay For Delete With RS Clark And Associates?

Should You Pay For Delete With Rsc?
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It appears that paying RS Clark And Associates to have it removed from your credit report is the best option. There is one snag. When you pay a collection bill, your credit report status changes from “unpaid” to “paid.” As a result, your collections will remain on your report. It implies your credit remains harmed. If you negotiate to pay for deletion, then you can. Although this will change in the future, negotiating pay for deletion may still be worthwhile. Although collection accounts stay on your credit record after you pay them off in these models, paying them off is enough to keep them from lowering your score.

Should You Negotiate A Settlement With RS Clark And Associates?

RSC can help you improve your credit score, but it can also damage it. Many factors influence the outcome. You may not have to pay anything, and if you find any problems, it may be closed entirely. Besides, you are not required to hear from the collection agency again. When a debt is sent to collections, you may be able to work out a deal with the collector to take a lower payment than you owed. An agent may determine that accepting partial payment is preferable to going through a lengthy collection process.

Is RS Clark And Associates A Scam?

Is It A Scam?
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No, RS Clark And Associates is a genuine business. They are neither a phony firm nor a scam. However, they may phone you often and annoy you. It is a legal agency, according to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), which started in 2001. RSC’s yearly revenue is estimated to be $2.5 million, with a staff of 27 workers, according to Buzzfile. Dispute and eliminating unvalidated debts is one of the greatest strategies to address this. Call (833) 608-3129 right now for the most convenient method.

According to its official website, it has been servicing for over two decades and enthusiastically resolves the debt. Furthermore, RSC guarantees to devote 100% of their attention to…accounts and to recover cash as quickly as feasible.”

Why Do RS Clark And Associates Keep Calling You?

Why Do Rsc Keep Calling You?
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The agency keeps calling the consumers to pay them the debt. But, the Fair Credit Reporting Act(FCRA) governs how collection agencies and creditors report overdue accounts to credit divisions. If RSC still keeps calling and trying to collect a debt, you can ignore their calls and contact a business that can assist you in getting them removed. You should ignore their calls and contact a firm that can assist you in getting it removed.

Will They Try To Sue Or Garnish Your Wages?

It’s doubtful that RSC will file a lawsuit. It may happen in exceptional circumstances, but it is not the norm. Bank and wage garnishments are subject to state and federal rules that set restrictions or “exemptions.” We highly advise you to call us to establish the potential of a lawsuit and the measures you may take to get this collection erased.

A debt collector who threatens to sue you or seize your salary breaks the law. RSC is also unlikely to sue you for a debt you don’t owe or that they can’t prove. However, after a default judgment, debt collection firms have been known to call debtors to court and seize wages. It would be prudent to get legal advice before something like this occurs. 

Does RS Clark And Associates Accept Goodwill Letters To Remove Your Collection Account?

They do not take goodwill letters to erase collection accounts. The majority of collecting agencies don’t.

What are Consumers’ Rights While Dealing With It?

You have the right to contest any debt that RS Clark And Associates is attempting to collect from you. Furthermore, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (or FDCPA) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act apply to RS Clark And Associates (or FCRA). While these acts appear to be difficult, they provide you with much power if you know how to wield them.

Where Can You Find RSC Login?

Logging into their website might be a good idea. However, contacting a credit repair firm can stand beneficial. 


RS Clark & Associates was established to assist with financial recovery. Therefore, getting a professional firm to handle the negative information on your report is a better choice. They use various approaches to remove it from your report.

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